1. Campylopterus calcirupicola Lopes, de Vasconcelos & Gonzaga, 2017 – zapylak zaroślowy – Dry-forest Sabrewing (Apodiformes; Trochilidae)
Lopes, L.E.; De Vasconcelos, M.F. i Gonzaga, L.P. 2017. A cryptic new species of hummingbird of the Campylopterus largipennis complex (Aves: Trochilidae). Zootaxa 4268(1): 1-33.
2. Megascops gilesi Krabbe, 2017 – syczoń stokowy – Santa Marta Screech Owl (Strygiformes, Strigidae)
Krabbe, N. 2017. A new species of Megascops (Strigidae) from the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia, with notes on voices of New World screech-owls. Ornitologia Colombiana 16: eA08.
3. Amazona gomezgarzai Silva, Guzmán, Urantówka i Mackiewicz, 2017 – amazonka błękitnoskrzydła – Blue-winged Amazon (Psittacifrmes, Psittacidae)
Silva, T.; Guzmán, A.; Urantówka, A.D. i Mackiewicz, P. 2017. A new parrot taxon from the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico—its position within genus Amazona based on morphology and molecular phylogeny. PeerJ 5:e3475
Wg. Escalante i in., 2018 takson nie jest ważny
4. Machaeropterus eckelberryi Lane, Kratter et O’Neill, 2017 – kusogorzyk barwny – Painted Manakin (Passeriformes, Pipridae)
Lane, D.F., Kratter, A.W. i O’Neill, J.P., 2017. A new species of manakin (Aves: Pipridae; Machaeropterus) from Peru with a taxonomic reassessment of the Striped Manakin (M. regulus) complex. Zootaxa 4320(2): 379-390.
5. Scytalopus alvarezlopezi Stiles, Laverde-R et Cadena, 2017 – krytonosek czarny – Tatamá Tapaculo (Passeriformes, Rhinocriptidae)
Stiles, F.G.; Laverde-R., O. i Cadena, C.D. 2017. „A new species of tapaculo (Rhinocryptidae: Scytalopus) from the Western Andes of Colombia.” The Auk 134 (2): 377–392.
6. Sholicola ashambuensis Robin, Vishnudas, Rheindt, Gupta, Hooper, Ramakrishnan et Reddy, 2017 – runniczek stalowy – Ashambu Blue Robin (Passeriformes; Muscicapidae)
Robin, V.V.; Vishnudas, C.K.; Gupta, P.; Rheindt, F.E.; Hooper, D.M.; Ramakrishnan, U. i Reddy, S.. 2017. Two new genera of songbirds represent endemic radiations from the Shola Sky Islands of the Western Ghats, India. BMC Evolutionary Biology 17(31): 1-30.
7. Myzomela irianawidodoae Prawiradilaga, Baveja, Suparno, Ashari, Ng, Gwee, Verbelen et Rheindt, 2017 – miodówka czerwonogrzbieta – Rote Myzomela (Passeroiformes, Meliphagidae)
Prawiradilaga, D.M., Baveja, P.; Suparno, S.; Ashari, H..; Ng, N.S.R; Gwee, C.Y.; Verbelen, P. i Rheindt, F.E.. 2017. A colourful new species of Myzomela Honeyeater from Rote Island in Eastern Indonesia. Treubia 44: 77-100.
8. Sicalis holmbergi* López-Lanús, 2017 – szafranka złocista – Ventania Yellow Finch (Passeriformes; Thraupidae)
López-Lanús, B. 2017. Una nueva especie de jilguero (Thraupidae: Sicalis) endémica de las Sierras de Ventania, pampa bonaerense, Argentina. Enpp. 475-497: López-Lanús, B. Guía Audiornis de las aves de Argentina, fotos y sonidos; identificación por características contrapuestas y marcas sobre imágenes. Segunda edición. Audiornis Producciones. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
* – gatunek nie zaakceptowany przez SACC (patrz. wniosek 748: Areta, N. i Pearman, M.; kwiecień, 2017)
Gatunki kopalne:
1. †Serikornis sungei Lefèvre, Cau, Cincotta, Hu, Chinsamy, Escuillié, et Godefroit. 2017 (?Archaeornithes, ?Anchiornithidae)
Lefèvre, U.; Cau, A.; Cincotta, A.; Hu, D.; Chinsamy, A.; Escuillié, F.; Godefroit, P. 2017. „A new Jurassic theropod from China documents a transitional step in the macrostructure of feathers”. The Science of Nature 104 (9–10): numer artykułu 74.
2. †Ostromia crassipes (von Meyer, 1857) (?Archaeornithes, Anchiornithidae; okaz pierwotnie opisany jako pterozaur, następnie włączony do rodzaju Archaeopteryx, obecnie umiejscowiony w nowym rodzaju i nowej rodzinie, co sugeruje bliższy związek z chińskim Anchiornis)
Foth C. i Rauhut O.W.M. 2017. Re-evaluation of the Haarlem Archaeopteryx and the radiation of maniraptoran theropod dinosaurs. BMC Evolutionary Biology 17: 236.
3. †Afromimus tenerensis Sereno, 2017 (Ornithomimosauria)
Sereno, P. 2017. „Early Cretaceous ornithomimosaurs (Dinosauria: Coelurosauria) from Africa”. Ameghiniana 54 (5): 576–616.
4.†Aepyornithomimus tugrikinensis Tsogtbaatar, Kobayashi, Khishigjav, Currie, Watabe et Barsbold, 2017 (Ornithomimmosauria, Ornithomimidae)
Tsogtbaatar, Ch.; Kobayashi, Y.; Khishigjav, T.; Currie, P.J.; Watabe, M. i Barsbold, R. 2017. „First Ornithomimid (Theropoda, Ornithomimosauria) from the Upper Cretaceous Djadokhta Formation of Tögrögiin Shiree, Mongolia”. Scientific Reports 7: numer artykułu 5835.
5. † Beibeilong sinensis Pu, Zelenitsky, Lü, Currie, Carpenter, Xu, koppelhus, Jia, Xiao, Chuang, Li, Kundrát et Shen, 2017 (Oviraptorosauria, Caenagnathidae)
Pu, H.; Zelenitsky, D.K.; Lü, J.; Currie, P.J.; Carpenter, K.; Xu, L.; Koppelhus, E.B.; Jia, S.; Xiao, L.; Chuang, H.; Li, T.; Kundrát, M. et Shen, C. 2017. „Perinate and eggs of a giant caenagnathid dinosaur from the Late Cretaceous of central China”. Nature Communications 8: numer artykułu 14952.
6. † Corythoraptor jacobsi Lü, Li, Kundrát. Lee, Sun, Kobayashi, Shen, Teng et Liu, 2017 (Oviraptorosauria, Oviraptoridae)
Lü, J; Li, G.; Kundrát, M.; Lee, Y-N.; Sun, Z.; Kobayashi, Y.; Shen, C.; Teng, F.i Liu, H. 2017. „High diversity of the Ganzhou oviraptorid fauna increased by a new “cassowary-like” crested species”. Scientific Reports 7: numer artykułu 6393.
7. † Heyuannia yanshini (Barsbold, 1981) (Oviraptorosauria, Oviraptoridae; trzeci raz zmieniono nazwę rodzajową dla tego gatunku umiejscawiając go w nowo ustanowionym rodzaju Heyuannia, patrz Funston i in. 2017, wcześniej w rodzajach Ingenia i Ajancingenia w 2013).
Funston, G.F.; Mendonca, S.E.; Currie, P.J. i Barsbold, R. 2017. Oviraptorosaur anatomy, diversity and ecology in the Nemegt Basin. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, w druku.
8. † Halszkaraptor escuilliei Cau, Beyrand, Voeten, Fernandez, Tafforeau, Stein, Barsbold, Tsogtbaatar, Currie et Godefroit, 2017 (Deinonychosauria, Dromaeosauridae)
Cau, A.; Beyrand, V.; Voeten, D.F.A.E.; Fernandez, V.; Tafforeau, P.; Stein, K.; Barsbold, R.; Tsogtbaatar, K.; Currie, P.J. i Godefroit, P. 2017. „Synchrotron scanning reveals amphibious ecomorphology in a new clade of bird-like dinosaurs”. Nature. W druku.
9. † Zhongjianosaurus yangi Xu et Qin, 2017 (Deinonychosauria, Dromaeosauridae)
Xu, X i Qin, Z-Ch. 2017. „A new tiny dromaeosaurid dinosaur from the Lower Cretaceous Jehol Group of western Liaoning and niche differentiation among the Jehol dromaeosaurids”. Vertebrata PalAsiatica. W druku.
10. † Jianianhualong tengi Xu, Currie, Pittman, Xing, Meng, Lü, Hu et Yu, 2017 (Deinonychosauria, Troodontidae)
Xu, X.; Currie, P.; Pittman, M.; Xing, L.; Meng, Q.; Lü, J.; Hu, D. i Yu, C. 2017. „Mosaic evolution in an asymmetrically feathered troodontid dinosaur with transitional features”. Nature Communications 8: numer artykułu 14972.
11. † Daliansaurus liaoningensis Shen, Lü, Liu, Kundrát, Brusatte et Gao, 2017 (Deinonychosauria, Troodontidae)
Shen, C.; Lü, J.; Liu, S.; Kundrát, M.; Brusatte, S.L.; Gao, H. 2017. „A new troodontid dinosaur from the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation of Liaoning Province, China”. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition) 91 (3): 763–780.
12. † Liaoningvenator tengi Shen, Zhao, Gao, Lü et Kundrát, 2017 (Deinonychosauria, Troodontidae)
Shen, C.; Zhao, B.; Gao, H.; Lü, J.; Kundrát, M. 2017. „A New Troodontid Dinosaur (Liaoningvenator curriei gen. et sp. nov.) from the Early Cretaceous Yixian Formation in Western Liaoning Province”. Acta Geoscientica Sinica 38 (3): 359–371.
13. † Albertavenator curriei Evans, Cullen, Larson et Rego. 2017 (Deinonychosauria. Troodontidae)
Evans, D.C.; Cullen, T.M.; Larson, D.W. i Rego, A. 2017. „A new species of troodontid theropod (Dinosauria: Maniraptora) from the Horseshoe Canyon Formation (Maastrichtian) of Alberta, Canada”. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences.
14. † Latenivenatrix mcmasterae Van der Reest et Currie, 2017 (Deinonychosauria, Troodontidae)
Van der Reest, A.J. et Currie, P.J. 2017. „Troodontids (Theropoda) from the Dinosaur Park Formation, Alberta, with a description of a unique new taxon: implications for deinonychosaur diversity in North America”. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences. W druku.
15. † Almas ukhaa Pei, Norell, Barta, Bever, Pittman et Xu, 2017 (Deinonychosauria, Troodontidae)
Pei, R.; Norell, M.A.; Barta, D.E.; Bever, G.S.; Pittman, M. i Xu, X. 2017. „Osteology of a new Late Cretaceous troodontid specimen from Ukhaa Tolgod, Ömnögovi Aimag, Mongolia”. American Museum Novitates 3889: 1–47.
16. †Microenantiornis vulgaris Wei et Li, 2017 (Enantiornithes)
Wei, Z-Y. i Li, L.. 2017. „Discovery of a new enantiornithine bird from Lower Cretaceous of western Liaoning, China”. Global Geology 363): 655–662.
17. † Cruralispennia multidonta Wang, O’Connor, Pan et Zhou, 2017 (Enantiornithes)
Wang, M.; O’Connor, J.K.; Pan, Y.i Zhou, Z. 2017. A bizarre Early Cretaceous enantiornithine bird with unique crural feathers and an ornithuromorph plough-shaped pygostyle. Nature Communications 8: 14141.
18. † Piscivorenantiornis inusitatus Wang et Zhou, 2017 (Enantiornithes)
Wang, M. i Zhou, Z. 2017. „A morphological study of the first known piscivorous enantiornithine bird from the Early Cretaceous of China”. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. Edycja online: e1278702.
19. † Junornis houi Liu, Chiappe, Serrano, Habib, Zhang et Meng, 2017 (Enantiornithes)
Liu, D.; Chiappe, L.M.; Serrano, F.; Habib, M.; Zhang, Y.; Meng, Q. 2017. „Flight aerodynamics in enantiornithines: Information from a new Chinese Early Cretaceous bird”. PLoS ONE 12 (10): e0184637.
20. † Chupkaornis keraorum Tanaka, Kobayashi, Kurihara, Fiorillo et Kano, 2017 (Hesperornithiformes)
Tanaka, T.; Kobayashi, Y.; Kurihara, K.;Fiorillo, A.R. i Kano, M. 2017. „The oldest Asian hesperornithiform from the Upper Cretaceous of Japan, and the phylogenetic reassessment of Hesperornithiformes”. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology. Edycja online.
21. † Opisthodactylus kirchneri Noriega, Jordan, Vezzosi et Areta, 2017 (Rheiformes, Rheidae)
Noriega, J.I.; Jordan, E.A; Vezzosi, R.I. i Areta, J.I. 2017. „A new species of Opisthodactylus Ameghino, 1891 (Aves, Rheidae), from the late Miocene of northwestern Argentina, with implications for the paleobiogeography and phylogeny of rheas”. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. Edycja Online: e1278005
22.† Awengkere magnanatis Worthy et Yates, 2017 (Anseriformes, Anatidae)
Worthy, T.H. i Yates, A. 2017. “A review of the smaller birds from the late Miocene Alcoota local faunas of Australia with a description of a new anatid species”. Contribuciones del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales „Bernardino Rivadavia” 7: 221–252.
23. † Garrdimalga mcnamarai Shute, Prideaux et Worthy, 2017 (Galliformes, Megapodiidae)
Shute, E.; Prideaux, G.J. i Worthy, T.H. 2017. „Taxonomic review of the late Cenozoic megapodes (Galliformes: Megapodiidae) of Australia”. Royal Society Open Science 4 (6): 170233.
24. † Latagallina olsoni Shute, Prideaux et Worthy, 2017 (Galliformes, Megapodiidae)
Shute, E.; Prideaux, G.J. i Worthy, T.H. 2017. „Taxonomic review of the late Cenozoic megapodes (Galliformes: Megapodiidae) of Australia”. Royal Society Open Science 4 (6): 170233.
25. † Progura campestris Shute, Prideaux et Worthy, 2017 (Galliformes, Megapodiidae)
Shute, E.; Prideaux, G.J. i Worthy, T.H. 2017. „Taxonomic review of the late Cenozoic megapodes (Galliformes: Megapodiidae) of Australia”. Royal Society Open Science 4 (6): 170233.
26. †Deliaphaps zealandiensis De Pietri, Scofield, Tennyson, Hand et Worthy, 2017 (Columbiformes, Columbidae)
De Pietri, V.L; Scofield, R.P; Tennyson, A. J. D.; Hand, S.J i Worthy, T.H. 2017. „The diversity of early Miocene pigeons (Columbidae) in New Zealand”. Contribuciones del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales „Bernardino Rivadavia” 7: 49–68.
27.† Miohypotaenidia tanaisensis Zelenkov, Panteleyev et De Pietri, 2017 (Gruiformes, Rallidae)
Zelenkov, N.V.; Panteleyev, A.V. et De Pietri, V. L. 2017. „Late Miocene rails (Aves: Rallidae) from southwestern Russia”. Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments. W druku.
28. † Crexica crexica Zelenkov, Panteleyev et De Pietri, 2017 (Gruiformes, Rallidae)
Zelenkov, N.V.; Panteleyev, A.V. et De Pietri, V. L. 2017. „Late Miocene rails (Aves: Rallidae) from southwestern Russia”. Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments. W druku.
29. † Vanolimicola longihallucis Mayr, 2017 (?Charadriiformes)
Mayr, G. 2017. „A small, „wader-like” bird from the Early Eocene of Messel (Germany)”. Annales de Paléontologie. w druku.
30. † Eocliffia primaeva Mourer-Chauviré, Pickford et Senut, 2017 (Charadriiformes; family incertae sedis, related to Turnicidae)
Mourer-Chauviré, C.; Pickford, M. et Senut, B. 2017. New data on stem group Galliformes, Charadriiformes, and Psittaciformes from the middle Eocene of Namibia. Contribuciones del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales „Bernardino Rivadavia” 7: 99–131.
31. † Diomedavus knapptonensis Mayr et Goedert, 2017 (Procellariiformes, ?Diomedeidae)
Mayr, G. i Goedert, J.L. 2017. „Oligocene and Miocene albatross fossils from Washington State (USA) and the evolutionary history of North Pacific Diomedeidae”. The Auk 134 (3): 659–671.
32. † Kumimanu biceae Mayr, Scofield, De Pietri et Tennyson, 2017 (Sphenisciformes)
Mayr, G.; Scofield, R.P.; De Pietri, V.L. i Tennyson, A.J.D. 2017. „A Paleocene penguin from New Zealand substantiates multiple origins of gigantism in fossil Sphenisciformes”. Nature Communications. 8: Article number 1927.
33. † Aprosdokitos mikrotero Hospitaleche, Reguero et Santillana, 2017 (Sphenisciformes)
Hospitaleche, C.A.; Reguero, M. i Santillana, S. 2017. Aprosdokitos mikrotero gen. et sp. nov., the tiniest Sphenisciformes that lived in Antarctica during the Paleogene”. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie 283 (1): 25–34.
34. † Macranhinga ameghinoi Diederle et Agnolin, 2017 (Suliformes; Anhingidae)
Diederle, J.M. i Agnolin, F. 2017. „New anhingid (Aves, Suliformes) from the middle Miocene of Río Negro province, Patagonia, Argentina”. Historical Biology: An International Journal of Paleobiology. Edycja Online.
35. † Leucocarbo septentrionalis Rawlence, Till, Easton, Spencer, Schuckard, Melville, Scofield, Tennyson, Rayner, et Waters, 2017 (Suliformes, Phalacrocoracidae)
Rawlence, N.J.; Till, C.E.; Easton, L,J.; Spencer, H.G.; Schuckard, R.; Melville, D.S.; Scofield, R.P.; Tennyson, A.J.D.; Rayner, M.J. i Waters, J.M. 2017. „Speciation, range contraction and extinction in the endemic New Zealand King Shag complex”. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 115: 197–209.
36. † Pampagyps imperator Agnolin, Brissón Egli, Soibelzon, Rodriguez, Soibelzon, Iacona et Piazza, 2017 (Cathartiformes, Cathartidae)
Agnolin, F.L.; Brissón Egli, F.; Soibelzon, E.; Rodriguez, S.G.; Soibelzon, L.H.; Iacona, F. I Piazza, D. 2017. „A new large Cathartidae from the Quaternary of Argentina, with a review of the fossil record of condors in South America”. Contribuciones del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales „Bernardino Rivadavia” 7: 1–16.
37. † Colaptes naroskyi Agnolin et Jofré, 2017 (Piciformes, Picidae)
Agnolin, F.L. i Jofré. G. 2017. „Nueva especie del género Colaptes (Aves, Piciformes) para el Pleistoceno de la Región Pampanea, Argentina”. Ornitología Neotropical 28: 321–331.
38. † Tsidiiyazhi abini Ksepka, Stidham et Williamson, 2017 (Coliiformes, Sandcoleidae)
Ksepka; T. ; Stidham, A. i Williamson, T.E. 2017. „Early Paleocene landbird supports rapid phylogenetic and morphological diversification of crown birds after the K–Pg mass extinction”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. w druku.
39. † Miocariama patagonica Noriega et Mayr, 2017 (Cariamiformes, Cariamidae)
Noriega, J.I. i Mayr, G. 2017. „The systematic affinities of the putative seriema Noriegavis santacrucensis (Noriega et al., 2009) from the Miocene of Argentina”. Contribuciones del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales „Bernardino Rivadavia” 7: 133–139.
40. † Sylvosimadaravis janossyi Zelenkov, 2017 (Passeriformes, Sylvioidea)
Zelenkov, N.V. 2017. The Revised Avian Fauna of Rudabànya (Hungary, Late Miocene). Contribuciones del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales „Bernardino Rivadavia” 7: 253–266.
41. † Pyrrhula crassa Rando, Pieper, Olson, Pereira et Alcover, 2017 (Passeriformes, Fingillidae)
Rando, J.C.; Pieper, H.; Olson, S.L.; Pereira, F.; Alcover, J.A. 2017. „A new extinct species of large bullfinch (Aves: Fringillidae: Pyrrhula) from Graciosa Island (Azores, North Atlantic Ocean)”. Zootaxa 4282(3): 567–583.